Saturday 24 March 2012

Free stuff!

Here it is. Your chance to win a free book!

Just tell me this:

1.) What young unknown writer threw away his unfinished manuscript about a bullied teenage girl, only to have it rescued by his wife and eventually published (launching a career that would change the horror genre forever)? Also, what book is it?

2.) Tell me - in as many or as few words as you like - what is your favorite book? Who is it by? Why is it your favorite?

Please send your answers to:

One lucky winner will receive a hardcover copy of Elizabeth George's Write Away.

Ever want to know how an internationally best selling author crafts one of her books? Write Away not only illuminates the process used by Elizabeth George when she puts together one of her crime novels, but it also gives specific illustrations from her work and from the work of best selling commercial and literary novelists from around the world. 

I look forward to hearing from you!

Happy Saturday, everybody.

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